1. In general

This privacy policy and cookies describe how NinaJuul (hereinafter “NinaJuul”, “we,” us “or” our “)
collects and processes personal data.
The personal data policy applies to personal information submitted to us, or collected via our website.
By using our website, you agree that we process your personal information in accordance with this personal data policy.
Personal information is registered with NinaJuul.com and stored for as long as the purpose of storing the information is maintained.

2. Contact information
NinaJuul is the data controller and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the law.
If you need to know how we process your personal data, or you otherwise wish to make use of your rights
described under pkt. 9, you can contact us at data@ninajuul.com

3. Purpose and processing of your personal data
In order to provide our services as well as manage our business relationship with you, we need to collect some information. This will e.g. be for use at which address the delivery is to be made to, order history, send information regarding. a workshop or handling a query.
When personal information is collected via our website, it is ensured that it is done by giving consent.
The purpose of the collection of information is to improve the user experience of our services and to be able to send relevant information.
It is possible to use our website without us collecting information, but you must be aware that deactivating it may reduce the functionality of our website. You can read more about cookies in pkt. 7 below
Information provided to NinaJuul will not be sold to third parties.
Disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail will only take place if you give your consent.
We use data processors in the EU or in other countries that can provide your information with adequate protection.

Categories of personal information
When purchasing our services, we collect general contact information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and payment method to fulfill our agreement with you as a customer.
If you contact us, the information contained in the inquiry will be included in our processing of your personal data.
By using our website, we collect, with your consent, information about which pages on our website you visit, your IP address and your network location.

5. Where do we get your personal information from?
We collect your personal information from you, as well as after consent via cookies on our website, as well as in our contact with you as a potential, existing or former customer.

6. Storage of your personal information
We store your customer information for as long as the contractual relationship exists. If you cease to be a customer with us, we will delete your personal information after the end of the financial year to which the material relates plus 5 years, cf. the rules in the Accounting Act.
We delete other personal information when it is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed.

7. Cookies
We use cookies on our website to optimize the site and its functionality. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the computer’s browser, which make it possible e.g. to track the traffic on a website, including recognizing recurring visits.
Cookies are used for the purpose of generating user-related statistics, eg how long our users are on the website. In addition, cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of advertising.
A number of cookies can be used for e.g. to create statistics and optimize the experience – it can be Google Analytics, Google Ads, Mailchimp and Facebook.
The actual action, regarding the storage of information and access to the information already stored in your browser, is carried out only by NinaJuul.
If you do not want to accept the use of cookies, you can delete cookies from your computer at any time. You can change your browser settings so that your browser does not accept cookies, including deleting the cookies that may already be stored in your browser.

9. Your rights
Under the Data Protection Regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to the processing of personal data. If you want to make use of your rights, you can contact us. Access may be restricted for the sake of other persons’ privacy protection, trade secrets and intellectual property rights.
You have the right to gain insight into the information we have registered about you as well as the right to have incorrect information corrected.
In some cases, you have the right to have information about you deleted before the time of our regular general deletion occurs. It can e.g. apply if you withdraw your consent or if you believe that your personal information is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we collected it.
You have the right, for reasons relating to your particular situation, to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data.

10. Complaint inquiry
We take care of your security and follow all rules, should you unexpectedly be dissatisfied with our processing of your personal information, you should always first contact us as data manager at data@ninajuul.com
We are also obliged to inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency.